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2021-22 Donor Roll

View our list of donors below.

*Indicates donation tribute.


Book Club 




Jane L. Miscavage

Morrissette Family Foundation

Kerry Neubrander

Andrew Painter

Theresa Pattara

Arturo and Marlene Politano

Gail V. Ritchie

The Robert M. Laughlin Family Fund

Phil E. Rosenthal

Alex and Amy Ryan

Reva Savkar and Robert Loser

Claire Sheahan

Miriam and Gerald Smolen

Sterling Family Charitable Foundation

Michael and Jane Thompson

Arlene and Theodore Togashi

Samuel and Elizabeth Walker

John Warren

William and Virginia Wells

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Jayne Young

Jeff and Johanna Zinn

Anonymous (4)

Anonymous Reader

Alexion Pharmaceuticals

Xande A. Anderer

Diane B. Babineau

David and Michele Baldacci

Ulrich Boesch

Mary Kay Buckingham Lipsey

Beverly J. Budke

Christopher and Joan Bulinkis

Mike Cullen

The Ulrich Emil Boesch Charitable Gift Fund

Friends of the Kingstowne Library

Renee Gibbs

Eric Griffith

Steven Kaspar

Andrew Keller

Cheryl Ann and Andre Lee

Mary Kay Lipsey Charitable Fund

Devra Marcus

Roderick Maribojoc

Jonathan McPherson

Editor’s Club


Yolanda and Robert Atkins

Counterpoint Consulting

Cox Communications

Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library

Friends of the Oakton Library

The George Mason Friends, Inc.

The Jack and Jean Smith Charitable Fund


Dr. Paul D. & Barbara A. Jensen Fund

Jennifer C. McGarey

William and Anne Overbey

Mary Jo and Michael Patterson

Fred R. Pitman

Patricia and Craig Reed

Vance Zavela and Jean Schiro-Zavela

Seoyoon Lee

Edwin and Barbara Leonard

Suzanne and Alan Levy

Keith and Margaret McCormick

Richard and Mary Lee Montfort

Ilryong Moon

Roger M. Olsen

*in memory of Helen Smith

Sorab Panday

Patrick and Jolie Kelly

Judy F. Perry

Victoria and Frank Rindone

William R. Roberts

Meredith Rockefeller

Edward and Adrienne Schmitz

Ranodhi Serrao

Richard S. W. and Celia C. Shepard

Antoinette Shetler

Jeff Shoemaker

Michael and Karen Smith

*in memory of Pamela Charles

Shannon Smith

Timothy and Carolyn Taylor

Christina Walsh

Donna Waters

Barbara G. Weakley

Michael and Miki Wellck

Frank and Joy Whittington

Wisecarver-Brown Charitable Trust

Rick and Elizabeth Witter

Jennifer Woods

Anonymous (2)

Stephanie and Edward Abbott

Kimberly Appich

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

and Mary Selden

Pamela Atkins

Jen Atkinson-Pankey

Stephen M. Baker

Diane D. Bierwirth

David Brickman

*in honor of Molly Patterson

and Scott Cutler's marriage

Norma W. Brodsky

Patricia Kablah Casano

Bill and Louise Cleveland

Michael Closter

Kiran Dalvi

Barbara Donne

June M. Dunn

Ajit S. Dutta and/ Bonnie L. Galat

Tracey M. Finn

Olivia Aguilar Gattis

Stern Lockwood Giving Fund

Carl and Teri Godwin

Donielle Griffin

Larry Griffith

Tim Hackman

Michael Hale

Michael A. Hart

Hummel Family Charitable Fund

Sheila Jefferson

Wayne L. Johnson

Marius and Hilda Koen



Legacy Donors



Anonymous (2)

Muangmol Asanok

Bruce Barishman

Mr. Albert L. Bartels

Esther H. Beaumont

Judith L. Beigbeder

F. Clifton Berry, Jr.

Suzy Brawn

Arthur E. Broeg

Estate of Louis Carrera

Mark F. Carson

Christopher Choi

Jessica M. Davis

Anne DeMarsay

The Betty Waugh Downard Estate

Penelope and Paul Fiske

The Linda Graninger Davis Estate

Linda Hunt Hathaway

Harry S. Havens

Barbara and Hampton Hoge

The Estate of Edgar R. Hon

The John & Erie Hopkins Educational/Charitable Trust

Moss and Mary Hoskins

Pyung Sik Kang

Ted Kavich and Bruce Barishman

The Estate of Herman C. Lazerson

Mary S. McDaniel



Ponghui McManus

Lee and Jo Minnis

Francisco Montoya

The Estate of Elisabeth G. Newton

Orrin W. Macleod Trust

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pemberton, Esq.

Patricia M. Priest

Rinske R. Pritchett

Georgia E. Rangel

Marcelina L. Ringor

Isidro Aguilar Rodriguez

Joseph J. Rosania

Gloria Rothman

Jae-Eui Shim

Ravinder Singh and Ravinder Kaur

Ellen and David Soroka

Cuyler M. Taylor

Sangfa Tunsarawut

The Estate of Arthur J. Ungerleider

Arthur J. Ungerleider

Estate of Lola Usade

Beverly Verley

Marjorie Y. Volkel

John Ware

Col. William W. Watkins, Jr., USA (Ret.)

Margaret Mary Wolfe

Ruth Yankoupe

Anonymous (4)

Denny Baldwin

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Marcus Balog

Tena and Ray Bluhm

John and Leonie Brinkema

John and Hannah Chang

Tiffani Chen

Jennifer Davis

Fred Ducca

Robert Freeman

Timothy James Gibson and Susan Sandner Gibson

Sharonmoyee Goswami

Brian Howell

Gil and Linden Kindelan

Nancy and Jeffrey Klain

Bevra and Thomas Krattenmaker

Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Louden

Anne Lynn

James and Elaine McDonald

Margaret S. Murtagh

Kathryn J. Onion

Gordon Peil

William and Anna Phillips

Ralph Burnham Charitable Lead Trust

Christopher E. Reseigh

Gary and Barbara Russell

Maureen and Karl Schumann

Maureen O. Viall

*in memory of Rita Kinkaid

Bill Walderman

Col. Miles C. Wiley, III and Mrs. Sarah C. Wiley

Lucy and Scott Wilson

Douglas E. Winter

John and Catherine Wright

Publisher’s Club


Friends of the Pohick Regional Library

Friends of the Burke Centre Library

Library Supporter


Anonymous (46)

Ardis Aagard

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman


Jeff Ahn

Cecelia Ambrose

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Kiri Anderer

Amy Anderson

Dee and Curt Anderson

Judith and Roger Anderson

*in memory of Carolyn Coates & Marilyn Jill Freeman

Dena Andre

*in memory of Helen Markowski Smith

Ann Applegate

Aaron Augustino

Charles and Jane Auker

Joan H. Axilbund

Lucia F. Backer

Mary Jo and Philip Baedecker

Audrey D. Baker

Grant Baldwin

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Rebecca Baldwin

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Patricia C. Bangs

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Debra Banks

George and Sarah Barber

Susan A. Bathke and Peter D. Eareckson

Richard A. Bauer

Steven W. Bay

Dawn Beatty

Cathy L. Beck

Bonnie J. Becker

Rebecca K. Behringer

Christin Bensch-Kossmala

Bruce J. Berger

Ashley Bernardi

Dan Berry

Rajendra and Kusum Bhatnagar

Ken Biberaj

Mary Bizzigotti

Carolyn M. Bliss

Marcia Bernicat

George Bochenek

Virgil and Dianne Bodeen

Tanya K. Bodzin

Daniel Borges

John J. Borsi

Beverly Boschert

Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Botuck

Thomas F. Boudreau and Donna C. MacPherson

Ingrid G. Bowers

Melissa Brach

Craig Bradley

Elizabeth Bradshaw

Kimberly Brailey

Carl and Barbara Brandhorst

Louise Branson

Jennifer Brearey

Catherine Bridgers

The Briggs Family

James F. Brooke, III

Charlotte Brown

Danyiel Brown

Kerin Brown

Kevin E. Brown

Margaret Bruhn

Robert L. Buckley and P. J. Palmore

E. C. Buckminster

Jean Buffardi

*in memory of Frances Reiher

P and M Buijsman

Leonora T. Burger

Frederick and Cathryn Burgess

Jennifer Bushong

Tshawna Byerly

Evelyn B. Caldwell

The Campana Family

Michael and Gail Carome

Lord Edwin Carreon

Formerly Baroque Chalou

*in memory of Helen Smith

Cory Chamberlin

Denise Chen and Timothy Maas

Sinae Choi

Sharon Clark

Dianne S. Coan

Karen and William Cobb

Vince Colatriano and Terri Evans

Nancy F. Collier

Meribeth Coltart

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Brownell and Sabrina Combs

Russell Conklin

Paul D. Cook

Indra M. Corea

Sarah T. Corley

Daniela Costa

Shelley Cox

Robert and Lola Coyle

Michele Creedon

Walter and Sylvia Culver

Michael Custy

D&L Charity Fund

Manyahilishal Dado

Isabel Dalsimer

Christine D'Ambrosio

John and Judith Damewood

Priscille Dando

Cynthia Hearne Darling

Deirdre Daumit

Mark and Marybeth Davis

Nancy and Phil Davis

Theodore and Sandra Davis

Dale Dean

Marie-Helene J. Dere

Susan DeRitis

Michael and Shirley Devine

Irene and John DiGravio

Gonzalo and Anne de Dios

Jennifer L. Disano

Norbert and Elizabeth Doerry

Laura Dominguez

Sandra Donahue

Denise Dorn

Linda J. Dove

Thomas and Lois Doyle

Valerie Drummond

Bill and Julie Duncan

David N Duncan

Kyle Ebersole

Tim Eckert

Renee Edwards

Lee Eisman

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Doris A. Ellenberger

John and Sandra Elligers

Toni Elliott

Judy and John Ellison

Capt. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vanderpoel, II, USN (Ret.)

Susan Ezrol

*in memory of Lila Ezrol

Jon Farber

Harry D. Feldman and Paula S. Rubinoff

William S. Fennell, Sr.

Samuel Ferguson

John E. Finnegan

Tara Fisher

Devra Fishman

Rebecca Fleck

Arthur T. Foley

Corazon Sandoval Foley

Tammy Fortune

Van and Lucinda Foster

Richard Fox

Keith Foxx

Maureen Frank

Thomas W. Frank Jr.

Fred Sawyer

Freddie Mac Foundation

Craig Fricke

Jennifer Friess

James and Diane Frost

Xin Fu

Stephanie Gailey

James Gallahan

De Katie Gannon

Kathryn Gannon

Nancy Garcia

Karen and Bill Gard

Matthew Gates

Robert and Catherine Gaugler

Karen Gentemann

Jere Gibber and JG Harrington

Stan Gimont

*in honor of Molly Patterson and Scott Cutler's marriage

Judy Godfrey

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Puneet Goel

Alyse Goldman

Carol Goldstone

Lynne Gomez

Alexander Gontscharow

David L. Gorsline

Willis D. Gradison, Jr.

George Greanias

Brenda and Michael Greene

Dana B. Greene and Richard Roesel

Sunny Greene

Stephanie Gregory

Pauline Grenbeaux

Anthony and Lucy Griffin

Timothy Grimes

*in honor of Restion Regional Staff

Bonita and Glenn Griser

Alan and Jackie Gropman

*in memory of Frances Reiher

Penelope and Harold Gross

Heather Gutierrez

Sarah Guy

Zeina Hamad

Sujatha Hampton

Helen Hanak

Scott Hannan

Richard and Janis Harless

Nancy Hartman, Anonymous

*in memory of Frances Reiher, and in honor of Areena Dandekar

Tamar Hartman

Chrysteana Hartmann

Jessica Buongiorno Hatfield

Bridget Hatton

*in honor of Molly Patterson and Scott Cutler's marriage

Glenda Hawks

Mark and Beverly Hawkins

Susan and Andrew Hayden

Lisa and Thomas Hayes

Camille Haynes

Daphne Hays

Leo and Lynn Hazelwood

James Heard

Mark Heatwole

Sandra Heinz

Charles and Dorothy Heise

Donald J. Hellmann

Tracey Henderson

Carl Henn

Joyce Herman

Laura Hibdon

Stephen W. Hiemstra

Jennifer Hine

Stacy Hoeflich

Edward P. Hollingsworth

Christopher Holmes

Kendra Howard

Ted Hudson

Carl and Kathleen Hurley

Lizabeth Staursky Hurst

Mark Hyland

Melissa Hylands

Patricia and Homer Jack

Michael A. Jaworek

Jana Jones

Dorothy and Robert Jorgensen

*in memory of Kay Bierlin & Pat Ives

Vandana Joshi

James and Dorothy Joslin

Peter and Elizabeth Jouannet

Amy F. Juhas

Nancy Ann Jung

David Kahn

*in memory of Anne Dec

Michael Kosecoff and Caren Kamberg

Yanick Kane

Dr. Saul J. Kaplan

Kenneth Kastner

Jim and Marcy Katzman

Justin Katzovitz

Lee Kaus

Dawn Keane

Graciela C. Keane

Elizabeth and William Keefe

Keens, Mandeles, & You

Laura Kelley

Anne-Marie Kelly

Judith A. Kelsey

Catherine Kent

Jon Lynn Kerchner

Betty K. Kerley

Marie Keryeski

Elizabeth Marie Kiker

David Kim

Eunice Kim

Susan Kim

Steven King

David and MaryAnn Kingston

L. Kirchoffer

Judy Kirk

Anita Klein

Rebekkah Kline

Susanna Kloven

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Dennis Knepper

Jennifer Koenig

Rebekah Koffler

Nina Kogan

Suresh and Rajashri Koluvailu

Wing and Anthony Koo

Randall Koppenhaver

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Rama K. Kotra

W. Sheridan and Carol Kramer

Marc Kreider

Catherine Krohg

Capt. Michael A. Kubishen, USN

Susan H. Kuhbach

John Lankau

Michael Lanuzo

Presoilo Lapada

Ellen Lautz

Brian Laverty

Karen Law

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Mary E. Lawrence

Tom Lawson

Angelique LeBlanc

Ha Na Lee

Wayne J. Lehrer

Vassilios and Maria Lekkas

Sherri Vervack and Ronnie Lewis

Thomas and Ruthann Ligon

Daniel Lindorf

Gordon H. Livengood

Daniel and Patricia Lizarraga

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Thomas and Meredith Lombardi

Johnny T. Lopez

Fillmore A Lucas, Jr.

Vicki MacDonald

Robin S. Madison

*in honor of Tamra Gotchef

Mark Maginniss

Catherine Maloney

Megan J. Maloney

Laura and Mark Mandeles

Amir Manraj

Ms. Kay De Marco

Gary L. Marshall

Mary T. Marshall

Camille Martilotta

Bernard and Therese Martin

David and Barbara Martin

Marsha and Roger Masone

Margaret Masters

Barry and Katherine Mates

Erin Mather

Lorraine McCall

Scott and Robin McClure

Jennifer McCullough

Mary McDaniel

Janet McDermott

Nicole McDermott

Claudia Mcdonald

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

Chris McGlone

Tanya McGonegal

Ms. Lyn M McKinney

Valerie K. McPherson

Timothy and Kathleen McQuade

Erica Meadows

John F. Meekins

Merrifield Garden Center

Joel Meyerson

Betty Mial

Claire Michel

Kathryn and Peter Michelman

Elaine Michl

Maya Miernik

Col. Miklos Kiss, Jr., USAF (Ret.)

Barbara P. Miller

Frances and William Millhouser

Kathleen Minnich

Nell Minow and David Apatoff

John Molino

Margaret Moran

Dolores Mulkerin

Kaitlyn Murphy

Keir Mussen

Rajat Narula

Thom Naskoviak

Jon Nathan

Barbara and William Neel

Robert S. Nelson

Robin and Jerry Nelson

Nicole Neumann

Hanh Nguyen

Robert Nicholson

Philip Niedzielski-Eichner

NSDAR, Lane's Mill Chapter

Nick N. Nteireho

Darlene O'Donnell

Mike and Lois Olson

George Osterhaus

Marianne L. Padgett

Melba Padilla

Stephanie Paduano

John and Tracy Paquin

Alisa M. Parenti

Bobbi & David Pasternak

Mary B. Patterson

Nuel and Ronna Pazdral

Daniel R. Pearson

Sarai Perkins

Ruth Perry

Melissa Pfeifer

Gordon Pfeiffer

Matthew Phillips

Donna Pieper

David Pimentel

Francine Piriano-Davila

Kristine Pizzuto

*in memory of Marilyn Jill Freeman

The Pleasure Family

Pledgeling Foundation

The Honorable and Mrs. Kenneth R. Plum

Kenneth A. Poirier and Barbara A. Kochanowski

Jerilyn Polson

Nitesh Pradhan

Marybeth and John Preisel

Margaret and Joseph Procaccino

Niki F. M. Purkoski

Brinky Qiu

Nicole Racadag

Mark J. Raiffa

Kenny Rakwong

Adolph Ramirez

Janus Ramp

Kirk Randall

Alyssa Randell

Etaine Raphael

Martha Ray (Neil)

Jim and Kathy Reardon

Kathy Reardon

Marvin and Elizabeth Reed

Jennifer Reinhart

*in honor of Tina Mraz and Elit storytimes

John and Patricia Reiser

Jin Rhee

Marie Richards

Nichelle Richardson

Robert E. Richardson

Eric Ries

William A. Rivera and Tara I. Koslov

Sewoong Ro

Tom and Susan Roberts

Jane Rockwood

Elese A Roger

Jan Rose

Thomas Rosenberger

Mr. C Daniel Roth

Ron Rothberg

Bill and Sheri Ruffle

Jonathan S. Ruskin

Volita Russell

Laila Sabreen

Nadia F. P. Sadee and Kevin J. Dietz

Sallie Mae Fund

Stephen and Doreen Sanborn

Patricia G. Sandberg

Neeraj Saraf

Philip and Judith Saulnier

Elizabeth Sawyer

Thomas Scala

*in honor of all our librarians and staff

Genevieve Schechter

Melanie Schoonmaker

Ms. Suzanne E. Schrock

Jennifer Schrott-Crisman

Pamela Schulstad

Debra Schultz

Stefanie Schwartz

*in memory of my great-aunt, Madeline Feinfeld

Donna Scott

Nancy Scott

Partha Sengupta

Ashok Sethu

Zaheer Shah

Alisa Shipley

*in honor of Kathryn Becker's 50th Birthday

Kathleen and George Shultz

David and Willa Siegel

Samuel Simon

David Singer

Nutan Sinha

Bridget and William Smiley

George A. Smith

Megan Smith

Moriah Smith

Ray and Phyllis Smith, Raymond and Phyllis Smith

Ronald and Shalah Smith

Sabra H. Smith

Tylee and David Smith

Walter F. Smith and Janice Kinsler Smith

Janos Somogyi

Rebecca Spain

Alcyone Sumila Starr

The Stefanick Family

Fred Stein

Karen Stone

Robert Storck

Anne E. Summers and Alan Weiss

Sherman J. Suter and Mary Parrish

Robert and Valerie Sutter

Sue Swisher

Michael and Clare Synge

Alan and Patricia Tabin

*in memory of Anne Dec

Priscilla S. Taylor

Britney and Adam Teeple

Cheryl Terio-Simon

Terry Family

The Gradison Foundation

Marie Thresher

Paige Tippett

Dianne Tolliver

*in honor of Molly Patterson and Scott Cutler's marriage

Rita C. Toscano

Abduljabar Totonji

David and Hazel Toy

Paul L. Tremblay and Iryna I. Goula

John and Ednamae Trevey

Paul Twohig and Alice-Lynn Ryssman

Odile J. Updegrove

Eric Van Meter

Jeff Vandersall

Alejandra Ghoshal Vargas

Arien Vargas

Nicholas and Patricia Veliotes

Sherri L. Vervack and/ Ronnie J. Lewis

Anh-Thu P. Vo

Marjorie Y. Volkel

T Vu

Mark A. Wahl

Janet C. Wainwright and James L. Bonomo

Sally L. Wallace and James Dunphy

Paul A. Wardinski

Olga Waters

Ken and Kathy Watson

Ellen and Michael Weaver

Sherry and Richard Webster

Lisa M. Weddig

Alyson Weidmann

William and Mary Weinhold

Rebecca Welch

Kimberly Wells

Eiko Westerlind

Marion Mackenzie Whalen

Ltc. Eugene J. White, Jr., USA (Ret.)

Robert White

Kasie Whitener

Lucy M. Whitley

William G. Wieand and Betsy H. Yoonkins

Katherine Willard

Brent Willemsen

Robert Ross Williams

Nicole Willson

Barbara Wilper

Rosalind Wilson

Donna Winsor

Barbara Winstead

Kelemework K. Wodiye

Brian Wood

Katherine A. Wood

Yerusalem Work

John and Stella Zacharia

David Zimmerman

Victor S. Zitel

Ronald Zschoche

Emily S. Zukas


The Fairfax Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable and educational organization committed to providing supplementary support to the Fairfax County Public Library, the largest public library system in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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